What a gorgeous card! I like it very much. Thank you for joining us at CBBB!
I'm trying to write my comments in english now, but i'm a beginner and my vocabulary is still poor... Your card is very beautiful and looks very happy with the gold color. Hugs
Благодаря за отделеното време. Вашето мнение е важно за мен.
Challenges: Le creablablablog .- Défi #117 Crafter's Cafe - #317 Anything Goes + option: Clean and Simple Simon Says Stamps - Anythi...
What a gorgeous card! I like it very much. Thank you for joining us at CBBB!
ОтговорИзтриванеI'm trying to write my comments in english now, but i'm a beginner and my vocabulary is still poor... Your card is very beautiful and looks very happy with the gold color. Hugs