Lovely CAS creation...I love that you paired it with a book theme! Thanks for playing with our apple challenge at the Paper Players this week!
An adorable clean and simple card! I love the books paired with the apple! Thank you for sharing at The Paper Players!
Perfect for our Challenge! Great job here! So glad that you have shared your great artwork with us here at Through the Purple Haze. Good luck hun and do come back again!Jackie DT @ ttph
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Challenges: Le creablablablog .- Défi #117 Crafter's Cafe - #317 Anything Goes + option: Clean and Simple Simon Says Stamps - Anythi...
Lovely CAS creation...I love that you paired it with a book theme! Thanks for playing with our apple challenge at the Paper Players this week!
ОтговорИзтриванеAn adorable clean and simple card! I love the books paired with the apple! Thank you for sharing at The Paper Players!
ОтговорИзтриванеPerfect for our Challenge! Great job here! So glad that you have shared your great artwork with us here at Through the Purple Haze. Good luck hun and do come back again!
ОтговорИзтриванеJackie DT @ ttph