
26 май 2024 г.

AAA Cards CAS Game #266 Sketch


I am happy to be a Guest Designer for 

Hope to see you play along with us at AAA Cards!

4 коментара:

  1. Maria thank you so much for being the Guest Designer at AAA Cards this week. Your card is just delightful and what a really clever idea to make the 3 watercoloured circles with the cute wee flowers in them.

  2. Beautiful card. I love the watercolor idea. Thanks for guest designing on the AAA Cards Challenge.

  3. То че рядко надничам е ясно, ама като го направя... ми се пълнят и очите и душата едновременно! <3

  4. Gorgeous card. Your watercoloring is amazing. Thanks for being our Guest Designer.

    sue n.


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