
9 януари 2023 г.

Happy New Year!


Le creablablablog - En route vers 2023 - Défi #17
Creative Knockouts - #485 Anything Goes
A Place To Start - Anything Goes
Make My Monday - #191 Something New
Get Creative Challenges - #117 Something New

5 коментара:

  1. tu as fait une carte très classe , et chic avec cet étoile pailletée
    merci de ta participation à notre marathon des cartes du CBBB
    bizz Mu

  2. Une magnifique carte ! Je suis admirative de ce fouillis organisé d'embellissements qui donne une carte très élégante ! Bises

  3. Such a pretty CAS card! I really love the elements you made. Thank you for playing with us at the MMM Challenge and hope you can join in again soon.
    Secrets To Stamping
    Join my Creative Creases Challenge for fun folds!

  4. what a beautiful and festive card ♥ Thank you for participating in the challenge #17 of En route vers 2023 ♥ hugs

  5. Wonderful card. I love the layout, and how much white space you've left. Thank you for joining us at A Place to Start. :)


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