Every day...

“Don't save something for a special occasion. Every day of your life is a special occasion.”
Thomas S. Monson

Use Your Stuff - use your stash - Flowers
Creative Card Crew - #60 Girly
Through The Craft Room Door - Always Anything Goes
Brown Sugar – No. 91 - Anything Goes
Crafty Catz - No.228 - Anything Goes

Happy Easter!

May your Easter be as Colorful as the eggs you find in your basket!

Unscripted Sketch - #251 Sketch
Artistic Inspirations - Anything Goes / Clean and Simple (CAS)
Eureka Stamps - Clean and Simple (CAS)
Hobbycutz - #44 CAS
Kitty Bee Designs - #21 Easter
Open-Minded Challenges - #8 Easter or pastel colors


За рождения ден на страстен почитател на рока и възпитаник на Rockschool :)

Chocolate, Coffee & Cards - No. 62 - Use Stripes
TIME OUT Challenges- Happy Birthday *optional twist masculine


Addicted to CAS - must be CAS - #35 Wheels
Wags 'n Whiskers - No. 126 Clean & Simple
The Crafting Cafe - One for the Boys


Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
Joseph Addison

Картичкофурии - 214 Цветова комбинация
The Paper Players - #190 Three Spree (use 3 of something)
Fairy Tale - No. 89 Butterflies

Bookmark :)

“Make it a rule never to give a child a book you would not read yourself.”
George Bernard Shaw

My Sheri Crafts - Anything but a card
Through The Craft Room Door - Always Anything Goes
Crafts 4 Eternity Recipe Challenge - No. 170 - Anything But A Card

April Showers...

April showers bring May flowers, 
That is what they say. 
But if all the showers turned to flowers, 
We’d have quite a colourful day! 

The Paper Players - #189 Tic Tac Toe - Any shade of yellow, Patterned paper, Shaped card
Ruby's Rainbow - #76 April Showers
4 Krafty Girlz - # 15 Anything Goes

Чисто и Просто

Градът е вече с пролетна премяна, пеят птички, ухае на цъфнали дървета и треви. През прозореца ми надничат клоните на една ябълка, обсипани с прекрасни цветове. Красиво е и някак нереално сред суетата на деня...

Усещате ли - Цветница наближава :)

 По този повод Ви набрах букет от маргаритки, символ на невинност, чистота и любов!

Tok Bobok - #11 Изчистена картичка (Чисто и Просто)
Digi Choosday Challenge - Flower Power
Eureka Stamps - Spring Flowers

Happy Birthday!

Challenges: The Paper Players   - #730 AAA Birthday Challenge - #71 Masculine Addicted to CAS - #279 Code Word: Masculine Unicorn Challen...


CAS Happy Birthday Christmas Watercolour Die Cuts Summer Embossing Mixed Media Flowers Washi Tape Heart Butterfly Watercolor Yellow For him One layer For a boy Dots For a Man Red Monochromatic Love Flower Stitching No Design Paper Masculine Winter Blue Vellum Buttons Bookmarks Kraft ATC Snowflakes Stencilling Книгоразделители Spring For her Halloween Scraps White For a child Umbrella Back to School Easter Natural Sparkling Feminine Tag Autumn Bird Green Snowman For the Boys Gold New Year Handmade Flowers Thread Animals Bunny Calendar Celebrate Pink Recycling Sequins Wedding Bear Egg Friends Silhouette Silver Имен ден Charm Clean and Simple Male card Metal Pastels Рожден ден Цвете Vintage Календарчета Цветя Baby Black Cinnamon Digital stamp No stamps Pearls Poppy Wet Embossing Есен Bicycle Girly Material Owl Paper clip Shabby Chic Shaker card Календарче Любов Africa Anniversary Brads Decoration Distress For a Girl Smile Великден Предизвикателства Alcohol inks Coffee Frame Gift Gnome Home Paris Pumpkin Sea Лексикон Пеперуда Blossom Canvas Coffee Beans Doodles Fabric For him. Wooden clip Good Luck Many Thanks Masking Minicards New home Pay it Forward Shaker Smooshing Special day Spots Stripes Wood congratulations cristmas Благодаря Бутилка Готварски тефтер Зима Изненади Лято Пано Пеперуди Подаръци Пролет Рециклиране 8 март A day for Daisies stamps Acetate cards Allspice Balloons Beer cap Bow Bugaboo Stamps Candy Chalkboard Collage Corner bookmark Cute Daisies Day Fall Felt For a teen Frou Frou Craft Happy Journey Kite Knitting Ladybug Llama Lots of Layers Macarons Metal bottle cap Movies Paper piecing Photo Frame Plaid Rainbow School Scrapbook page Shaped card Slimline card Snow Snow globe Sponging Sport Stamplorationsdigi stamps Starfish Swing Fold Card Tea Travel Twine Windmill Wreath Брошка Дантела Деним Картичка с пълнеж Картичкофурии Колие Копче Кошничка Кръгла картичка Мартеници Мечо Мини картички Морска звезда Нова година Подарък Птичка Раковини Световен ден на кардмейкинга Скеч Таг Тетрадка Тефтер Тефтерче Точки Цветница Черно и бяло

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